Department of Neurosurgery
The Department of Neurosurgery of the Irkutsk Oblast Order "The Badge of Honor" of the Clinical Hospital today has more than half a century of history. It was created in 1957 on the basis of the Kuznetsovskaya Hospital, which is now the Children's Regional Clinical Hospital, located on Gagarin Boulevard. Its organizers were Leonid Stavrovich Koraidi and Olga Konstantinovna Samoylova. Then the young doctor, and now the doctor of medical sciences, professor Leonid Stavrovich, after graduating from the Irkutsk State Medical Institute and receiving a specialization in neurosurgery, became the first head of the department.

Dr. Koraidi has been his permanent scientific curator since the inception of the department; in 1983, at the Department of Neuropathology in the status of an assistant professor, a course of neurosurgery was organized. From January 1988 to October 1993, as a professor, Leonid Stavrovich headed the Department of Neuropathology and Neurosurgery, while remaining the head of the department. Professor Koraidi published several monographs, wrote a large number of articles published in leading medical journals of the USSR. Koraidi L.S. is the successor of scientific traditions laid by Professors Chaim-Ber Gershonovich Hodos and Boris Dmitrievich Dobychin. One of the main subjects of his research was epilepsy surgery. In addition, they were one of the first for the Urals to use the method of stereotaxis to treat patients suffering from Parkinson's disease. Today this direction is experiencing a renaissance in our clinic, being supplemented by modern technological components. Leonid Stavrovich Koraidi was a regular consultant of the Department of Neurosurgery of the IOKB until 2015. And today it is an indisputable magnitude, it is mentioned by the employees of the department and the doctors who know him with great respect.
Olga Konstantinovna Samoylova since 1953 worked as a doctor in various hospitals in the Irkutsk region. Since 1957, together with professors B.D. Dobychin and L.S. Koraidi stood at the roots of the development of neurosurgery in our region. Since 1961, she headed the neurosurgical department of the Irkutsk Regional Cynic Hospital, which from a small 30-bed hospital has grown into an 80-bed neurosurgical center. Under her leadership and with her participation, many advanced diagnostic and treatment methods for diseases of the central nervous system were introduced into practice at that time. She left behind a large number of pupils - qualified neurosurgeons, who work today in clinics in Irkutsk, Chelyabinsk, Blagoveshchensk, Novokuznetsk, St. Petersburg.
Also, the permanent consultant of the Department of Neurosurgery of the Department of Neurosurgery of the IOKB is currently the candidate of medical sciences, associate professor of neurology and neurosurgery at the IGMAPO Yermolaev Yuri Fedorovich. His scientific interests are quite wide. He published several monographs, including those on inflammatory defeats of the spine, changes in human consciousness in various pathological processes. A great expert in neurology, topical diagnostics, radiological semiotics, neurosurgical issues, Yuri Fedorovich is an indispensable part of our department. Practically all the doctors who work today in the Department of Neurosurgery of the IOKB "went through his hands", are his students.
From 1990 to the present day, the department is headed by Sergey Innokentyevich Petrov, Candidate of Medical Sciences, the chief freelance neurosurgeon of the Irkutsk region. In our department, Sergei Innokentievich has been working since 1980. It is worth noting that he also has experience in the Department of Neuropathology of the former Irkutsk GIDUV as a scientific figure and teacher, which, of course, positively affects the organization of the work of our clinic to this day. Petrov SI became the first in our region who began to introduce in a wide practice angiographic methods of research in various pathologies of the central nervous system (in 1979 for the first time in Siberia an endovascular intervention was performed according to the technique of Prof. F.A. Serbinenko), one of the first in our region the anterolateral approaches to the lumbar spine are performed at various pathologies. He was a pioneer of microneurosurgery in the Irkutsk region. His sphere of interests is wide enough and covers almost all sections of neurosurgery, but he is an absolute authority in the surgery of aneurysms and arteriovenous malformations of the vessels of the brain and spinal cord. Sergei Innokentievich was the initiator of the return to our department of functional neurosurgery, a stereotaxic method of treating patients with Parkinson's disease, spastic torticollis. Has a large number of students actively working in our department, and in neurosurgical departments of the Irkutsk region and the Republic of Buryatia.
At present, a wide range of interventions for various pathologies of the central nervous system is being performed at the neurosurgery unit of the Irkutsk Regional Clinical Hospital: vascular diseases, head and spinal cord tumors, trauma and consequences of central nervous system trauma, degenerative spinal cord injuries, neurological anomalies, functional diseases brain. Serious results, recognized at the highest level, have been achieved - by the federal Ministry of Health and colleagues from leading Russian clinics. This became possible due to the high professionalism of doctors and the available up-to-date equipment, part of which has no analogues in other clinics in the region. We have three modern operating microscope, two neuronavigation complexes, an endoscopic counter, a stereotaxic set, functional operating tables and so on. All this allows performing operations at the highest level with minimal risk for the patient.

Separately it is worth mentioning the work of the neuroanesthesiological department (anesthesiology and resuscitation department No. 5), which is an integral part of our large team. In 2016 was the thirtieth anniversary of a specialized intensive care unit for patients with central nervous system pathology. It was created with the direct participation of Petrova Sergey Innokentievich, which gave a powerful incentive to increase the level of care, allowed to reduce the lethality and disability in patients with cerebral tumors, vascular pathology. This experience is unique for our region and justifiably causes "white envy" even among the capital's colleagues. On the basis of our department and neurology department of the IOCB, today there is a regional vascular center, whose doctors perform conservative treatment and the most complex invasive interventions in the pathology of the cerebral vessels, consults and diagnoses physicians, patients of the primary vascular departments of the Irkutsk region.
Especially dynamic in recent years, the direction of spinal neurosurgery has been developing. Advanced methods for treating upper-cervical spine trauma, rear access and transpedicular fixation for complex injuries of this area have been developed. On a routine basis, interventions are performed using the most modern implants in degenerative lesions of the spinal column, including various dynamic structures used in leading Russian clinics.

Many doctors-neurosurgeons in combination work in the territorial center of medicine of accidents of the Irkutsk region. This allows timely provision of neurosurgical assistance to the victims directly on the spot, often in remote areas - Bodaibo, Kirensk, Zheleznogorsk-Ilim, etc. It also makes it possible to adequately assess the conditions in which the patient is discharged from our department to continue treatment, which makes it possible to formulate recommendations with accounting for the specifics of a central regional hospital.

In total, more than 150 people work in the departments of neurosurgery and neuroreanimation, including neurosurgeons, anesthetists and resuscitators, neurologists, a neurophysiologist, and middle and junior medical personnel. By the time the department was established, there were only 4-5 neurosurgeons and about the same number of unspecialized anaesthesiologists-resuscitators. The solid work of the entire team allows for several decades in a row to render assistance to patients of the Irkutsk region and neighboring regions at the highest level.
The department also entered into international cooperation, which is actively developing between our hospital and the clinics of the People's Republic of China, in particular, the city of Harbin. Our doctors willingly share their experience with their Chinese counterparts, the latter, in turn, reciprocate.

We keep pace with the times, not only in the medical field, but also in information technology. For more than a year now the official site of the Department of Neurosurgery of the Department of Neurosurgery of the IOKB has been functioning. In addition, information about us with feedback form is available on social networks,,, there is an account on In 2017, the channel will be launched at
Our large friendly team is united not only within the clinic, but also beyond its borders. The team of the IGBC GBUZ, the backbone of which largely consists of the doctors of our department, is the repeated winner and prize-winner of all kinds of sports competitions, tourist gatherings of medical workers and other events. This, of course, contributes to more effective teamwork within the walls of the office.