Department of Traumatology
Department of Traumatology was established in February 2017. The need to establish a branch arose in connection with the growth of victims of road accidents. Before the opening of the department, in the structure of a multi-disciplinary medical institution, it was rather difficult to provide specialized and high-tech medical assistance in case of a locomotor apparatus injury in a complex of combined injuries.

The department is designed for 30 beds and is equipped with everything necessary. In the department there are single, double, triple and quadruple rooms, plaster, procedural and dressing rooms. Each room has functional beds that are equipped with an electric drive, each of them has mattresses with an anti-decubitus effect, there is a bathroom and a washbasin. In the superior rooms there are shower cabins.
The operating unit is located separately in the general structure of the operating room and is equipped with all necessary, including a mobile X-ray apparatus with 3D reconstruction function.
Minister of Health of the Irkutsk Region Oleg Nikolaevich Yaroshenko:
"The opening of the Department of Traumatology of the IOKB is a key stage in the implementation of the Assistance Program for Victims of Road Traffic Accidents. In the region, a network of traumatic centers has been set up, allowing fast and effective medical care on all roads of the region. But it is understandable that in the most difficult, most severe cases, it can be provided only in a multidisciplinary hospital, where physicians of other specialties work hand in hand with traumatologists. The highest qualification of the staff, a clear organization of work, and a modern material and technical base guarantee the residents of the region the provision of medical care at the highest level. "
- Mastering and implementation of modern methods of diagnosis and treatment
- Scientific developments and data analysis
- Provision of organizational and methodological assistance to traumatological departments of medical organizations of Irkutsk region
- Interaction with traumatic centers of Irkutsk region
High-tech medical care:
- victims with combined, multiple and isolated injuries received in road accidents
- with trauma and diseases of the musculoskeletal system to the residents of Irkutsk region
- Endoprosthetics of large joints
- Reconstruction of ligament humerus and knee joints
Minimally invasive interventions:
- arthroscopy of large and small joints
- operative treatment of flat feet and deformities of toes
- treatment of false joints of small bones of the hand and foot
- use of low-traumatic methods of osteosynthesis of tubular bones of extremities using the navigation system
The medical team of the department

Dmitriev Ruslan Mikhailovich | head. department, the doctor of the traumatologist-orthopedist of the highest category |
Egorov Denis Igorevich | the doctor of the traumatologist-orthopedist of the highest category, Ph.D. |
Novak Denis Gennadievich | Traumatologist-orthopedist 1 st category |
Afanasov Vasily Sergeevich | Traumatologist-orthopedist 2 categories |
Sumarokov Alexey Vladimirovich | orthopedic traumatologist |
Krikhenko Jan Sergeevich | orthopedic traumatologist |