State budgetary health care institution

Irkutsk regional clinical hospital, winner of the “Mark of the Honor” award

  • Единая справочная

    8 (395) 255-44-35


We are glad to welcome you on the website of the Irkutsk regional clinical hospital, winner of the “Mark of the Honor” award.



Nowadays the specialists of the neurosurgical unit of Irkutsk regional clinical hospital perform a wide range of interferences when treating various central nervous system pathologies, like ...

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The diagnostic outpatient department is one of the leading units of Irkutsk regional clinical hospital, winner of the “Mark of the Honor” award. It fulfils functions of a multifunctional dia...

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On 22nd August 1863 on the site of former Chupalovskaya hospital was a stone-laying ceremony of Civil hospital building. The funds for the new hospital were donated by Efim Kuznetsov, an act...

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Assisted reproductive treatments

Assisted reproductive treatments renders high-tech medical assistance in diagnosing and overcoming infertility using methods of assisted reproductive technologies. The office was opened in 2...

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Assisted reproductive treatments

Here must be some text but it is not. Sad but true...

Here must be some text but it is not. Sad but true...

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Here must be some text but it is not. Sad but true...

Dear visitors! 

We are glad to welcome you on the website of the Irkutsk regional clinical hospital, winner of the “Mark of the Honor” award. The hospital is a leading health care center of Irkutsk region. The hospital serves as a clinical site for 9 chairs of Irkutsk state medical university and for 8 chairs of Irkutsk state medical academy for postgraduate education. The personnel of our health care center consists of 8 doctors of medical sciences, 68 candidates of medical sciences, 624 health specialists and 1140 nurses. The regional hospital has developed and implemented a lot of advanced medical technologies. The center plays an important organizational, methodological and coordinating role when providing quality medical care to people as well as when sharing experience with other regional health care establishments. This ePub informs you about our work and scientific activities in order to upgrade and perfect health care in Irkutsk region.

Yours faithfully Petr E. Dudin, Chief physician of the hospital, candidate of medical sciences

Дудин Петр Евлапьевич

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