Specialists of the medical Chinese center "Shengu"
A specialist who diagnoses and treats various intractable diseases

Lu Zhao Lin is a professor at the Chinese Medical Institute in Beijing. Lead doctor, supervisor. He is a well-known specialist in Chinese medicine in all of China, a member of the discussion group on Chinese medicine in the State Council's degree committee, permanent member of the board of the therapeutic committee of the Chinese Medical Scientific Society, member of the Special Drug Control Committee, adviser to the international new medicine, adviser to the International Chinese Medical Scientific Society . He has been studying Chinese medicine for more than 40 years. The main area of ??study: Chinese medical therapy, the application of the method of Chinese and European medical therapy, the application of the Chinese and European methods for the study of digestive diseases. He supervised the editing of 15 monographs and published more than 40 scientific papers.
Treatment of benign and malignant tumors in traditional Chinese medicine

Wang Lin is the most famous physician of traditional Chinese medicine. Lead doctor, professor. In 1954, he graduated from the Medical Faculty of Dalian Medical University. She has been practicing medicine for more than 50 years. He has extensive experience in the treatment of cancer, such as: lung cancer, liver cancer and other benign and malignant tumors. He works as a member of the Board of the Research Foundation for Cancer Diseases in China. Deputy. Chairman of the branch-society of Dalian. He is a member of the Scientific Society Committee oncology diseases in Liaoning Province. Chairman of the Committee of the Scientific Society oncologist of Disease City of Dalian. Member of the Board of the Scientific Society of Traditional Chinese and European Medicine of Dalian City. Member of the Committee of the Scientific and Technical Society of the Dalian Health System. Member of the service group of medical specialists in Dalian. Head of the Department of Oncological Diseases at the Chinese Medicine Hospital in Dalian City.
Specialist in bone branch, treatment of hip osteoarthritis, bone fracture, rheumatism, and bone diseases

Xia Te Dee leading doctor, professor, scientist, head of postgraduate students. He was the dean of the Changchun Chinese Medical University, he was the deputy chairman of the board of the Association of Highly Qualified Medical Professionals, was the Secretary General of the Chinese Medical Association in Jilin Province. He received the first, third place in competitions among doctors and specialists in traditional Chinese medicine. He has been teaching and treating for over 40 years, has a wealth of experience. For his services, he receives a state subsidy. Now he is the head of the bone department of Dalian Hospital Sheng. It effectively treats arthrosis, hernia, spine diseases, osteoporosis, polyarthritis, various traumas, osteochondrosis, as well as male infertility, women's and children's diseases. He diagnoses and, to achieve a better effect, he uses traditional methods of treatment and treatment with acupuncture, massage and warm herbal compresses.
Treatment of rheumatism, gout and diseases of the immune system and digestive organs by traditional Chinese medicine

Liu Xiaojia leading doctor, professor, graduated from Liaoning Chinese Medical University. Since 1980, he has already begun to study immunology at the Chinese Medical University, where he has been working as a therapist for more than 40 years. Member of the Special Commission on Rheumatism in Liaoning Province. Liu Xiaojia was a member of the Chinese Medicine Association and an expert on the reasoning of the Hospital of Chinese and European Medicine in Liaoning Province. He worked as deputy chairman of the board of the Chinese Medicine Association of Dalian City. He has extensive experience in the field of the treatment of rheumatic diseases and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Effectively treats rheumatic and rheumatoid arthritis, cutaneous myositis, lupus erythematosus, gout, chronic gastritis and atrophic gastritis, ulcerative colitis, immune system diseases.
Chinese medicine treats intractable diseases of the digestive system, diseases of the stomach, intestines, gallbladder, liver, pancreas, spleen

Sun Yu Fan is deputy director of the Dalian Green Medical Center, a leading physician in Chinese medicine. Head of the hospital ambulance. He is engaged in medical practice for about thirty years, has a large clinical experience. He has excellent treatment of the digestive system, for example, chronic superficial gastritis, esophagitis, stomach diseases and duodenal ulcers, chronic colitis, habitual constipation, dyspepsia, gallbladder inflammation, gallstones, ulcers oral cavity, allergies, rheumatism and polyarthritis, menopause, menstrual cycle disorders.
Chinese medicine treats tracheitis, bronchitis, asthma, pneumonia, rheumatism, insomnia, obesity, rheumatoid arthritis and other diseases of the respiratory system

He Xi Xian is the leading physician of the Dalian Green Medical Center, the head of the outpatient clinic, the presenter of Chinese medicine, professor. Head, specialist of Dalian Chinese Medical Hospital, pulmonary department, Deputy Head of Dalian Chinese Medical Research Institute. Professor of the Liaoning Chinese Medical Institute. Has a great practical experience. About forty years old, she is perfectly engaged in the treatment of spleen and kidney diseases, gastritis, duodenal ulcers, liver diseases, hepatitis, rheumatoid arthritis, and other intractable diseases and also treats insomnia, obesity.
Chinese medicine treats diseases of the cardiovascular system of cerebral circulation disorders.

Tao En-yu Professor, leading physician of Chinese medicine. He works as a doctor for 43 years. He treats diseases of Russian patients, receives positive results. It treats cardiovascular diseases well, the consequence of cerebral hemorrhage, the consequence of cerebral embolism, temporary cerebral ischemia, hypertension, heart disease and venous arteries, arrhythmia, myocarditis of stomach and bowel disease, immune system disorder, etc.
Treatment of the digestive system (gastroscopy, proctoscope)

Jin Pei Yu Professor, leading physician at the Dalian Green Medical Center. In 1966 she graduated from Beijing Medical Institute. She has been studying therapy for 40 years. She studies specifically how to check the digestive channel for more than 20 years. Has a rich clinical experience. She directs the editorial board of the first medical monograph on how to check and treat various diseases in the digestive tract. It makes a good diagnosis and treats various diseases in the digestive tract. In the early stages, it detects cancer in the digestive canal. Over the past 10 years, she has been studying the treatment of chronic ulcerative colitis with Chinese herbs and is getting excellent results.
Treatment of kidney and genitourinary diseases, childhood diseases in Chinese medicine

Meng Qingng Zhong Professor, Doctor-Professor, Head of the Department of Renal Disease in Heilongjiang Province. Received the award "For the contribution of international medical science". In 2006, awarded the title of "Professor of the International Medical Academy of Hong Kong." He is a board member of the Board of Chinese Medicine. He is engaged in treatment of kidney diseases, childhood diseases for more than 40 years. He studied 2 research topics of the city. Studying in the research topics of the province, and was awarded the second, third stage of scientific and technological progress of the city. He has extensive experience in the treatment of complex symptoms of chronic kidney disease, chronic nephritis, renal dysfunction, diabetes mellitus, nephrolith, male infertility, sexual dysfunction, diseases of the prostate and genitourinary system. In the children's department he treats the airway disease: tonsillitis, cough, pneumonia, asthma, poor appetite, diarrhea abdominal pain, myocarditis with the virus, kidney disease, frequent urination, nocturia, etc. He has 37 special scientific works, participated in the international scientific exchange of Chinese medicine 3 times, and also has 14 scientific papers. They were openly published in the relevant press. He studied the city scientific topic.
Treatment of various complex skin diseases according to traditional Chinese medicine, regulation of internal secretion, prevention of female old age

Shi ShuFang Leading Doctor, Professor, In 1959, she graduated from the Special Medical Institute in Lushun City. Works as a member of the Committee of the scientific branch of the skin department in the Chinese medical society, is a member of the board of the cosmetic scientific society. He has extensive experience in the treatment of skin diseases such as psoriasis, acne, eczema, hormonal dermatitis, scaly eczema, yellow spot, urticaria, urgent and chronic face, wart, etc. He has been treating traditional Chinese medicine for more than 50 years. For scientific articles: "Treatment of scaly eczema" and "Treatment of foot ulcers" received a third degree award of scientific success of the city government. About ten scientific papers were published in the press of the province of China.
Treatment and prevention of various childhood diseases

And Shu Ying is a leading physician, graduated from the Liaoning Chinese Medical Institute and works in the children's department. He has been engaged in children's clinic for more than 40 years. Since 1980, she works in a medical research institute, where she is a member of the technical commission of the children's blood department. She mastered the methods of treatment of a well-known specialist Wang Bo Yue, who deserved good fame in Chinese medicine in all of China. She has her own special methods for diagnosis and treatment. She applies her knowledge in the treatment of common diseases, such as asthma, respiratory infections, anemia, childhood heart disease, cramps, abdominal pain, diarrhea, and lack of appetite. It effectively strengthens and stimulates the functions of internal organs, improves human immunity. She published the work and received the third state medical award.
Specialist in bone branch, treatment of hip arthrosis, bone fracture, rheumatism and bone diseases

Zhao ShiSue is a doctor of medical sciences, professor. He graduated from the medical faculty of Changchun Chinese Medical University. He is a doctor of medical sciences at the Chinese Medical Research Institute of Jilin Province, head of the bone branch of the Chinese Medical Research Society of Jilin Province, secretary of the Special Branch Committee of the Chinese Medical Research Society of Jilin Province, worked as a member of the board of the second, third, fourth districts of the Chinese medical scientific community of Changchun City. Now he works as a permanent member of the Board of the Branch Office of the Bone Division of the Chinese Special Research Society of the Personnel Ministry of China, a specialist in the technical definition of medical expertise of the Medical Scientific Society of Jilin Province, head of the bone cadre special committee of Jilin Province, a member of the Jilin Provincial Branch Society of the Bone Research Society of the Higher Medical Institute. Professor of the Changchun Chinese Medical Institute.
Treatment of soft tissue damage, hemorrhoids without pain and anus and bowel in traditional Chinese medicine

Guy Ying Yao is the leading physician. He graduated from Heilongjiang Chinese Medical Institute. He is engaged in bone treatment and scientific research for more than 20 years. In the Chinese Medicine Hospital "San Jia" he studied orthopedics and surgical operations. In the Beijing hospital, "Jishutein" received city scientific research success, 2 times worked in Russia. It deals with the treatment of soft tissue damage to diseases, intestines for about 10 years. Guy Ying Yao is a special member of the Committee of the Society of needle-knitting. It effectively heals the pain of the neck, shoulders, waist, back, osteochondrosis, hyperostosis, vertebral hernia, inflammation of the spine. Treats with the help of the adoption of medicinal herbs of primary and secondary arthrosis of the hip bones, trembling paralysis, paralysis-spasm. Treatment of the anus with Chinese herbs in Chinese medicine: take medicinal herbs and use external herbal compresses, inject medicinal herbs into hemorrhoids in combination with candles.
Treatment of various complex skin diseases according to traditional Chinese medicine, regulation of internal secretion, prevention of female old age

Zhao Hua graduated from the Chinese Traditional Medical School of Dalian Workers' Institute in 1966. Deputy. leading doctor, has been treating Chinese traditional medicine for more than 40 years. There is a deputy. head of the skin department at the city hospital of Chinese medicine, is a member of the board of the Medical Cosmetic Committee. She perfectly knows the treatment of permanent, repeated and complex diseases, such as vitiligo, urgent and chronic eczema, psoriasis, urticaria, acne, yellow spots, partial baldness, hair loss from the head, lupus erythematosus. Studied the medicinal herbs "Xuanji" for the treatment of vitiligo and received a scientific award in 1990. She wrote many state scientific works and they were published.
Chinese medicine treats various female diseases, infertility, to help a woman become a young woman

Han Xiaoin Professor, Head Physician. She graduated from the Liaoning Institute of Chinese Medicine. She worked as a leading gynecologist at the Dalian Hospital of Chinese Medicine. Professor of the Liaoning Institute of Chinese Medicine, a member of the Chinese Medical Science Society. Has written many Chinese works on gynecology, works as a gynecologist for 40 years, has a rich experience. It treats irregularities of the menstrual cycle, bleeding, pain during menstruation, mastopathy, early weak ovarian function, infertility, fibroids, endometriosis, ovarian cyst, inflammation of the pelvic cavity, inflammation of the appendages, inflammation of the vagina, menopause syndrome, etc.
Specialist of acupuncture, treats apoplexy, paralysis of the face, paralysis of the brain, herniation of the intervertebral disc and insomnia, etc.

Chen Shao Ming Deputy Chief Medical Officer for Chinese Medicine. It well treats apoplexy, headache, cervical spine disease, prolapse of the intervertebral disc, insomnia, digestive system diseases, bronchial asthma, etc. He graduated from the postgraduate course at Heilongjiang Chinese Medical University. He studied in England for 3 years.
Treatment with acupressure of osteochondrosis, hypertension due to osteochondrosis, backbone disease, soft tissue and other diseases and their symptoms in traditional Chinese medicine

Yang JiaSiang is a leading physician of traditional Chinese medicine. He graduated from the Changchun Chinese Medical Institute, has been treating traditional Chinese medicine for more than 30 years. He treats the following diseases, such as asthma, cardiovascular diseases, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, chronic colitis, hemorrhoids, anal fissure, anal fistula, constipation, stomach ulcer, chronic cholecystitis, prostatitis, painful menstruation, breast duct hyperplasia and acupressure, a sticker with medicinal herbs on the navel, a sticker with medicinal herbs on points, the adoption of medicinal herbs with a combination of acupressure. Yang Jia Xiang effectively treats osteochondrosis, lumbar spine disease, and especially hypertension associated with osteochondrosis, heart failure, dizziness and tinnitus, insomnia and headache, fatigue and general weakness, numbness in the hands and feet.
Treatment of various diseases with acupuncture and massage with the use of one finger in Chinese traditional medicine.

Wang Ge is a doctor-professor. He has been practicing acupuncture in Chinese traditional medicine for more than 20 years. For 15 years, he cured more than 30 thousand foreign guests with acupuncture. Effectively treats paralysis of the face, a hernia of the spine. He is engaged in acupuncture from smoking and for weight loss, was highly appreciated by foreign guests. In 1989, he mastered his own guidance from the famous doctor-professor Chi Yun Zhi on acupuncture in China and significantly improved his level. Acupuncture from smoking in Chinese traditional medicine with short time and efficiency, without side effects. According to his methods, 20,000 people were cured, and he was highly praised by the Chinese and foreigners.