Irkutsk regional clinical hospital, a winner of the “Mark of the Honor” award, is a state-financed health care institution. It is a multifunctional center for health care provision to the region’s population. It is also a center which provides organizational and methodological services to other regional health care establishments.
The hospital hosts 15 surgical and 8 therapeutic units. The hospital’s perinatal center accounts for obstetric and gynecologic care. Our hospital annually admits for indoor treatment over 35,000 patients, more than 150,000 patients obtain information and consulting services. The clinic is fitted with up-to-date medical equipment. Its specialists perform complex reparative and conservative surgeries on liver, pancreas, thoracic organs and heart. Currently the hospital employs 2691 professionals, among them 624 specialists and 1140 nurses. The personnel is highly professional and well-prepared. 70% of the specialists and 68% of the nurses are certified for qualification grade. The clinic units are headed by full professors and associate professors of Irkutsk state medical university departments and Irkutsk state medical refresher institute.

Organization’s data file
Name of organization | State-financed health care institution, a winner of the “Mark of the Honor” award, Irkutsk regional clinical hospital |
Abbreviated organization name | Irkutsk regional clinical hospital |
Addresses: | |
Registered address | 664049, Irkutsk city, Yubileyny district, 100 |
Location address | 664049, Irkutsk city, Yubileyny district, 100 | | |
Phones: | |
Chief physician | +7(3952) 46-53-30 |
Accounting | +7(3952) 46-11-30 |
Fax | +7(3952) 46-53-42 |
Administrative officer (Chief physician) | Petr E. Dudin |
Accountant general | Elena V. Okhotina |
Founder | Ministry of Health of Irkutsk region |
Organizational document | Statute |
Tax Payer Id. Number | 3812014690 |
Industrial Enterprise Classification Code | 381201001 |
Ministry of Finance of Irkutsk region (State-financed health care institution, a winner of the “Mark of the Honor” award, Irkutsk regional clinical hospital | |
Settlement account | 40601810500003000000 |
BIC | 42520001 |
Bank | GRKC Banka Rossii po Irkutskoy oblasti, g. Irkutsk |
Current account budget, PD, fungible | 80302030002 |
Current account Obligatory medical insurance | 80302090002 |
Codes of Irkutsk regional clinical hospital according to Russian business and organization classification
Reporting organizations | OKPO | 1925384 |
Type of activity | OKVED | 86.10 |
Territories | ОКТМО | 25701000001 |
Ministries of governing bodies | ОКОGU | 2300229 |
Legal organizational form | ОКОPF | 75203 |
Form of ownership | ОКFS | 13 |
ОКОNH | 91511 | |
ОGRN | 1023801756670 |